But, then gets withdrawn. A new Alzheimer’s test drug gets scrapped and then suddenly re-instated with astonishing results. Here’s why it got the…
What do you do when your whole life is ahead of you and, in an instant, it’s shattered? Your hopes and dreams lie like shards of glass around you. This is the start of a …
A study conducted in the US has challenged conventional medical dogma about heart care. The large study was presented at the American Heart Association…
Managing your heartbeat at home: 1. Manually check your heart rate (pulse). Put the tips of your first two fingers on your wrist, just below your thumb (palm up).
We are honoured to present an ongoing series of interviews with Professor Nola Dippenaar who is renowned as a local and international speaker on…
There’s no baby here, but the website is brand new and will focus on the latest news for seniors and the elderly as far as healthcare is concerned.