La Vie Care

COVID-19: Masterplan for caregivers


There are many older adults who are not in nursing facilities but who need help with personal care (bathing, dressing or eating) and assistance in areas such as finances and cooking to live independently.

Look out for age-related eye diseases


There are four major age-related eye diseases (AREDs) that affect seniors: glaucoma, cataracts, macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy. Learning about the symptoms of and treatments for each of these…

Daily activities for alzheimer's patients


We subscribe to a very liberal definition of “activity”. This is especially true when considering activities for Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia in general. Anything that keeps a person interested, busy, or in any way…

COVID-19: Additional Care


Scientists lay out guidelines and best practices for healthcare providers and family caregivers who are providing care for older adults during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Sleep Apnea And Alzheimer's Link


In a new study, French scientists scanned the brains of older adults. They found an association between sleep apnea and the presence of amyloid plaques and other…

Osteoporosis: COVID-19


Please keep in mind that older adults and people who have certain chronic medical conditions such as diabetes or lung, heart or kidney disease are at higher risk of the more serious complications of…

The battle of the bones


“One should examine your diet to see if you’re getting enough calcium and if not, this should be supplemented. Vitamin D is also important, but we don’t routinely supplement with Vitamin D unless…

Type 2 Diabetes Alarming Among Older Adults


Type 2 diabetes is spiking among seniors, and it is essential to monitor the disease properly. This could put you more at risk for COVID-19 as well and is one of the most common…

Better get that flu vaccination


Persons aged 65 years and older and residents of senior-allocated flats, old-age homes, chronic care, and rehabilitation institutions should make it a matter of course to get the flu vaccination, especially in…

Risks yes, but disease not inevitable


Becoming older does not necessarily mean you will get certain diseases. Chronic diseases can have a profound impact on the health and quality of life of elder Americans, not to mention the financial burden that is

Watching too much TV could impair memory


Binge-watching TV could well be bad for you says a new study, although the authors do admit that not all TV watching is bad. The trick is to balance TV with other cognitive-enhancing pastimes.

A tale of lost Wednesdays and deep depression


When my dad was in a care centre, he had just lost his beloved wife of some 60 years. They had both moved into a lovely home in the retirement centre and my mum was so relieved that she didn’t have to cook…

Warning of vision loss with macular degeneration


Missing just one eye doctor appointment can result in vision loss in older adults with macular degeneration, a new study warns. Robert Preidt is reporting this in HealthDay News

Power of attorney


You will need a power of attorney at some point in later life to conduct affairs on your behalf. It’s an important juncture in your life – and the life of the person you decide to appoint. It’s an honour and privilege for that person to be…

Exciting find in Alzheimer's research


Neurons die earlier than experts previously thought in Alzheimer’s disease, and stopping the process could prevent the disease from ever developing, finds a new study from Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Japan.